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So many people get their About Me pages completely wrong, and only write about themselves. 

Welcome to my About You About Me Mini Course, where I teach you how to write the perfect about me page, that focuses on your customers and clients needs. 

More importantly, how you can help them fix their problem…

The About You About Me Minicourse

To write the perfect About Me web page, you must first start viewing your personal brand from the outside, looking in.

You need to put yourself in the shoes of the person that your product would be perfect for, reading your story. 

Your about me page will be written to them, about what they’re looking for, and show them that you can solve their problem.

So, that’s exactly where we start…

What Problem are you Solving?

By hiring you, buying your product, or subscribing to your newsletter, what problem does your perfect customer solve?

On my website, I currently solve problems for people who want to learn graphic design / web design. 

This can be either for yourself (for social media, graphics, logos, websites, social media content, blogs, etc.), or for you to learn how to do it for others, as a freelance design business.

I know you don’t want to go to school for years. You don’t want to go to college and pay ridiculous amounts of money for out-dated info, just to learn one of many very useful skills you’re gonna need to build a good skill-stack.

So, you want a very high-value, fast paced, fast track education in design, that will either make you money, or help you achieve your business goals.

My products will get you from brand new beginner designer, to super-high competency level designer, as quickly as possible.

So, my about me page must show:

  1. I’m a capable designer
  2. I have good experience, and great work.
  3. That I have business experience, especially building a business from scratch
  4. I’m able to teach you everything you need, in an efficient, unique way
  5. Everything I teach you will take your life from point A to point B, and maybe even C, or D

My about me page shows I came from nothing, have a great personality, have taught myself some amazing high-value skills through some craz y challenges, but that my passion and progress pulled it all together.

As a result of learning those skills, I’ve made great money, and lived a much better life.

I’m capable of teaching you the skills I have, and get you to a level of competency VERY quickly. I’ll save you time, money, and energy, learning things the way I do them.

They might not be in the same way a college might teach you. But that’s okay, a college will take years to only certify you as an absolute beginner in the business world, and launch you into a world of competition with no idea of how to build your business anyway.

My about me page talks aboutstacking multiple high-value skills.

Doing so, you can become not just a multi-skilled designer, and either make more money, or bring more value to your job.

But, these skills really can be life-changing.

Stack them all together, and you would be able to start any business you want from scratch, or work in any position, in any company.

When the boss / person asking says ‘just by chance, is it possible anyone here can _______?’.

And, you might be the only person that CAN do that thing.

Whose Problem are you Solving?

Aim to please everyone, and you’ll please no-one.

It’s a common mistake when someone first starts out that they want to sell to everyone they possibly can.

But, that’s not the best way at all. You need to know EXACTLY who you’re aiming at, so you can speak to them directly, in their language, on their terms.

It’s no good throwing a bunch of technical terms around that nobody understands, or cares about.

These are people that either are, or want to be more, creative.

Whether that’s by being a part of the creator economy, or simply to create for personal promotion / skill building… …I’m looking for creative open minded people, looking to learn something new.

So, I MUST speak in ways that attract people like you, to me.

What really helps you to speak to people better on a psychological level, is knowing your business archetype, also called your business personality.

What’s Your Business Archetype / Business Personality?

Your business archetype / personality is the type of voice your business speaks in.

Speak in the right voice, people hear you better. They connect better emotionally with your brand, and content.

Miss the mark on your brand archetype, and you could be speaking in the wrong language to the right people, or the right language to the wrong people.

My Brand personality is Maverick / Outlaw / Rebel / Rogue.

Not that I didn’t know this about myself, I mean, damn, I was a pro skater after all. I left school at 15 years old, and still had an awesome life and career, with a metric fuck ton of stories to tell.

Knowing what my brand archetype / brand personality is, really helped me communicate better.

I knew EXACTLY how my About Me, and brand message needed to sound.

Now, everything I say and do, everything I type and tell, sounds much more like me.

Your Brand Archetype is the voice and style of writing your customers need to hear and read.

Find out what your brand personality is, here…

Brand Archetype / Brand Personality Quizzes

Take these quick and simple tests below, and watch the videos explaining the brand archetypes / brand personality types, and see what your business voice should sound like.

The brand personality that resonates with you the most, is the right one to go with.

Many people find they resonate well with 2, and combine them both. This is perfectly okay, and works REALLY well, too.

Write A ‘Hero Story’ About You

Without trying to ruin every movie or story ever for you…

… I’m going to let you in on a ‘secret’ of how to write the best story ever, that keeps people excited, and makes them want to keep reading until the very end, every time.

The truth is, almost every great movie or book has a hero… …and has almost the exact same storyline.

The story format I’m talking about, is called ‘The Hero’s Journey’…

The Hero’s Journey Writing Framework

Every good hero story follows the same story line, and by writing your about me page in a similar format, in your brand personality, you’ll keep the reader much more interested in your story.

The Hero’s Journey framework:

  1. Problem Beginnings: The hero starts out lonely, poor, usually a little down and out, lonely, homeless, or has another problem
  2. The Call to Adventure; takes the hero on a journey or discovery (they may even turn it down, or avoid it the first time round)
  3. The Adventure: they leave the comfort of their regular life / surroundings, and head out in the unknown, on a mission
  4. Tests and Challenges; along the way, the hero is tested. There’s a massive disaster that seems impossible to overcome.
  5. The Hero Meets a Guide: they meet someone along that helps them, trains them, shows them something they didn’t know before. Often a secret that takes them time to learn.
  6. The Dark Cave: the hero faces their deepest, darkest fears and challenges, they seem frightening, and impossible to overcome. But, maybe with the training they have, they can do it
  7. The Final Boss: the moment of the biggest challenge, where you overcame a major obstacle or enemy, and must get past it to continue
  8. Transformation & Reward: the hero of our story has been transformed by their journey and final fight. They’re now a confident lead and warrior, and receives a reward for their effort
  9. The Return Home: the hero returns home a champion, with the freedom to live however they want, living either ‘happily ever after’, or finding a new sense of peace

Knowing about, and using the ‘Hero’s Journey’ story framework, can really make your about me page jump out and speak to people, it keeps them involved, and they keep reading to find out more.

My About me page framework is a little simpler yet…

About Me Page Writing Framework

When I wrote my About Me page, I found having a framework for writing the page was the only thing that enabled me to write it without it being a super long story all about me.

Here’s a basic framework for you to follow and expand upon, to write your story.

Let’s call it the ‘About You About Me’ framework.

About You About Me Page Writing Framework

Think about your life in the hero’s journey story framework.

You don’t need this to be about your whole entire life, but you ABSOLUTELY must have a beginning, middle, and end. Of course, it must be a story that applies to your brand, or the product you’re selling.

Here’s the framework:

  1. Where did you start out? Where does this story begin? Who were you before you had your own transformation / journey / victory?
  2. What was the pivotal ‘AHA!’ moment that made you start your journey, the one that made you take action? What inspired you?
  3. What challenges did you face, was it difficult? How did you overcome them?
  4. How did learning this and winning, change your life? More importantly, how can it change your future customer’s life?
  5. Who are you now, and what victories have you won?
  6. How is your product or service going to change your prospects’ lives?
  7. What are you working on today?
  8. Where are you going next?

Examples of Good ‘About Me’ Stories: Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn, a master of online business and blogging, has a very simple ‘About Me’ story.

His story starts when got laid off as an architect, and was out of work in a time where nobody needed architects. He was working on a blog for passive income.

Pat grew that blog from his laptop in his living room, into a very successful blog making around $250K a month.

A very simple, inspiring, easy to follow hero story.

You can find Pat’s website at

Dan Koe

Dan Koe, has mastered working just a 4 hour work day, as a writer.

While he was in college, he decided he didn’t want to ever work at a job.

He learned web design very quickly, but when he left college, he still needed a job for income. So, he worked at a web design company, whilst trying several unsuccessful business ideas.

Dan started freelancing for clients he found on twitter, then started teaching others web design. This side hustle soon earned him to quit his full-time job. From there, he pivoted into a few other ventures.

He’s evolved into an amazingly persuasive writer, with millions of followers on several platforms.

In 2023, Dan earned $4.2million with just his one person business, with around 90% profit.

But, he started it all with just Twitter, a blog, and a weekly newsletter.

Inspiring, right?

You can visit Dan’s website here:

The Icing on the Cake: The CTA

No web page or blog article would be complete, or serve any purpose without a clear, concise, call to action. If you don’t tell the reader where to go next and they just leave the site…

…you may as well not have written or built the web page at all.

The about me page is about showing the reader why they came here. Who you are, how you can help them (all in persuasive language) and where they go next to get that help they really need right now.

The Call to action tells them what action to take next…

…it should take them to a sales funnel about the product you sell, a sales page, or a free giveaway / email course they can take, in exchange for their email address.

If you have no products built yet, or aren’t even sure about what exactly those will be yet, you have only ONE priority…

…to bring your reader into your permanent audience, by getting them to subscribe to your email list.

If possible, get them to follow you on social media.

You should have a call to action on every single page on your website.

There should be absolutely no pages or posts on your whole website, where there is no call-to-action, and quite often 2-3 of them.

One Last Reminder: Keep it About THEM!

Okay, I KNOW I’ve been ramming this message down your throat, but nothing can be more important than this.

Your About Me page is NOT about YOU, at all.

It is about showing others what you can do for THEM.

Your About Me Story Should Sound more like:

I was stuck in this situation, life sucked, but I got out of that situation by X / I found the power of X, and it changed my life.

Let me show you how I / my product can help you transform your life / situation into something better, solving your problem in a unique way.

Your About ME Story Should NOT sound like:

This is me, I was born in X, and I had 3 siblings all called Dave. I grew up in Ohio, but moved to San Diego when I was 30. I then learned to build houses and made $50 million in just 5 months.

I’ve built some really big houses, for really famous people.

Hire me to build yours, I’m an expert now.

Okay, so that’s more than enough from me, about you writing an about me page, about you, but not about you.

Use my about you about me mini course, and get your about me page thrown together in a day or two.

I sincerely hope YOUR about me page takes you just a couple days at most to figure out, not the 6 weeks mine took.