My Life by Default sucked…
…so I Live my Life by Design.
Some people say I’ve lived 100 lives…. …I’d say I’ve only lived 4
I’ve done a lot of things, lived a crazy life, and have a lot of awesome stories.
I Grew up Poor as Fuck
I grew up poor as fuck, on a tiny British island close to France.
My father was an alcoholic and a smoker.
My mother was controlling and abusive.
My sister is mentally disabled.
Growing up was tough.
We were so broke, my mother had to get vouchers from the local government to buy school uniforms, shoes for school, etc.
My home life sucked, so I got out of the house as much as possible.
I knew very early on, NOBODY was going to save me. Nothing was coming to my rescue.
There would be nothing coming from my parents, no rich relatives, and the chance of me making ANYTHING of my life were slim-to-none, without getting REAL creative.
In order for there to be ANY chance of getting out of this living hell, everything was on me.
Oh, and as far as this ambition costing anything? It would have to be completely free, because I didn’t have a penny to scratch my ass with.
This is my journey from poverty and loneliness as an outcast, living with a mindset of absolute scarcity, into my life today…
How I got a Free College Education as a High School Drop Out
I dropped out of high school at 15 years old.
Tired of being taught 100% useless information such as who Henry VIII’s wives were, I got the hell outta there.
This was one of the smartest decisions I ever made.
Instead of sitting around learning useless information for free, I got a job as an electrician. My employer paid for me to go to college and I got an amazing education, all while getting paid to work for them!
I learned SO many useful skills and gained a massive foundation of the most valuable, practical knowledge, that I still use daily.
It was here I discovered the massive value of knowledge and skills.
I was almost a qualified electrician by the age of 18, but that wasn’t my path.
Life still had quite a few surprises in stall yet…
Lessons Learned
1. The power of making decisions for yourself, and only you.
Too many people fear making decisions for themselves, especially when controlled by their parents / spouse / families.
This is a big mistake.
2. Practical skills and knowledge are life-changing
I learned: Advanced math, electronics, circuitry, metallurgy, basic engineering, and a wealth of knowledge about different materials such as rubber, plastics, metals.
Being curious, experimental, learning high-value skills, and thinking outside-the-box took my life from poor as fuck and hopeless…
…to an amazing life of limitless possibility.
– by the way… anyone can do this, and it’s 100% free!
My Life as a Pro Skater
At 19 years old, I started skating a pretty different type of skateboard, called a Snakeboard.
As it turned out, I got really good, really fast.
I was invited to the next world championships in Munich, Germany… just 12 months later.
I was a pro skater.
Soon after that, I left the tiny island I grew up on, and moved to the UK.
For 11 years I traveled the world for free, lived in different countries, did halfpipe demos, contests, tours, TV appearances, stunt work, filmed and edited videos, and more.
I also organized events, competitions, demos, tours, photoshoots, and meet-ups.
I was the first person ever to win the UK championships 3 times, and held a rank of 4th in the world.
I met almost every pro skater and BMX rider I’d looked up to since being a kid, in magazines and videos, plus more.
I also built a personal network that spans almost every country in the world. There’s almost no city in the world, where I don’t know at least somebody.
I learned to film, edit, and produce my own skate videos.
This skill has massive value today int he creator economy.
Personal Networking
I can introduce myself and get to know people VERY quickly. I have the ability to hold a conversation with absolutely ANYONE, about ANYTHING, make an impression, and be memorable.
This skill has made me more money in life, than anything else.
Personal Branding
I built a personal portfolio (the old school version of a personal brand), detailing any events, demos, appearances, crowd sizes, audience sizes for TV, and distribution of magazine, which showed sponsors my personal exposure.
This got me more sponsors, more money, more events, more promotion.
Event Planning
I planned events, demos, competitions, photo shoots, and much more.
My First Business
While living in the UK, my first business was a skate & street wear clothing brand in the UK, called ‘Darkside Clothing’.
I’m a massive fan of Star Wars, and having came from such a small island, myself and few others always felt like we came from the dark side of our sport. I was also more straight talking and direct than anyone else in my sport, so the name fit perfectly.
I also started an online retail store for Snakeboards. I imported accessories from the USA, and boards from Germany, and supplied UK skaters.
Neither of these businesses really made me any real money, but I learned much more valuable skills than either one could’ve ever paid me.
Graphic Design
To design t-shirts, I needed to learn graphic design. Soon came logo design, flyers for events, posters, and much more.
Web Design
I built my first 2 websites. Now I could build websites for any reason, business, fun, blogs, landing pages.
Most people can’t just hop on and design a whole new website just to sell one particular thing, but with the knowledge and time to do it, this skill is worth millions.
My Career as a Sales Professional
Due to the English weather, being a pro skater was very seasonal. And let’s be real here… up until now, you’d never heard of a Snakeboard, either.
Sure, I was a pro skater… but it paid very little money, and didn’t always pay the bills.
I needed a job that didn’t require tools or transportation, but was also flexible, as I often had to literally take off and fly out to skate events or shows.
I got a job in sales. Surprisingly, it was a job where the ability to fall on my face 100 times a day and keep going was a useful skill to have! I became one of the top reps for my first company, and was hooked ever since.
I’ve had a long, successful career in sales.
Sales has always been the one thing I can always fall back on.
Simply put… the business world, and the entire global economy can’t survive without sales pros.
The ability to present information, and persuade someone to take action, is priceless.
- Want to:
Convince your friends to watch a movie YOU like? - Date a beautiful woman?
- Get a better price on ANYTHING?
- Defuse someone in a bad mood, super angry, or wanting to fight?
The fact is… EVERYONE in life is selling, always.
Selling, and being persuasive is not just a skill for sales professionals, it’s the number one skill for business, life, and EVERYONE.
California: From Homeless to CEO
At 30 years old I fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams, and moved to Southern California. I was homeless, sleeping on a friend’s couch, skating every day, and to be honest, loving life.
A friend invited me to play airsoft. I’d never heard of it, but went out, and had a blast.
I went a few more times, and started seeing opportunity.
I took $36.00 in change from the bedroom floor, and in 20 months I’d built a $300K a year business. One of the busiest airsoft fields in Southern California.
I incorporated the business, and became a CEO. I did all of this just using the skills I’d picked uo for free over the years. Combined with a marketplace that was a starving crowd, this business blew up FAST!
For the next 8 years, I had an absolute blast, working some of the longest hours of my career, but it never felt like work. I was on top of the world.
Unfortunately, a greedy business partner ruined everything. This eventually left me with no alternative but to walk away from my business, and shut down the corporation.
This was a devastating blow to my confidence, but I could no longer continue.
It destroyed me, and was hurting my family. I had no other choice but to walk away from the baby I had built.
So, I went back into my sales career.
Wanna know how to ALWAYS be in the right place at the right time?
It’s REALLY easy…
…be everywhere, all the time, and talk to everyone.
The more friends you make, the more money you make.
Online Marketing
I built a website, used Myspace and forums to get initial word out. Then, formed strategic partnerships with retailers. When social media came along, I went big in on that.
Business Management
Team building, training, systems building. Event management, planning, & co-ordination. Bookkeeping, office management, and more.
Sales Success, Business Failures, Life Lessons
I’ve lived a very different life. I’ve always been a divergent thinker, and always lived a life of adventure. Saying that, there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with working a 9-5 sales job. I’m very good at it.
I’m successful, always hit above target, earn 6 figures. But, the repetitive, conformative nature of a 9-5, always leaves me wanting more.
Over the past few years I’ve played it safe.
I’ve tried to build a few different new businesses, but I suffered imposter syndrome, analysis paralysis, the infection of perfection, and self doubt like I’d never experienced before.
Since I shut down my successful business in 2015, I’ve started and failed:
- ‘How to Make Money Online’ Blog – failed due to imposter syndrome & self doubt, gave up
- Pivotboard (Snakeboard) Manufacturing Company – amazing product, game-changer. misjudged size of market. Total passion-driven time and money pit – shut down in 2020
- No More Net Zeros: Self Improvement / Productivity Blog / Social Media Brand – lost momentum due to overwhelming self doubt, imposter syndrome, infection of perfection, etc. Website is still there, will re-introduce this again in the future. Still love this brand and concept. Will bring it back when ready
- Amazon FBA Reseller – hard to make any real money, price tanking resellers, Amazon returns, had good cashflow, but only made Amazon money – shut it down
- Shared Graphics: Graphic Design / Branding / Web Design / Local SEO Company – was successful, but the client work model didn’t work while also in 9-5 sales. Still running today for a few Local SEO clients.
I have failed, failed, and failed again, in my search for the business idea that will work for me.
Always learning something each time, and often just giving up, because the safety net of a 9-5 was always available to me.
But, in July 2024 I reached my ‘fuck it’ moment.
By my 49th birthday, I was ready to take the lid off this thing, and launch this one person business for real this time.
I’m here to do TWO THINGS…
1. Build a One Person Business
I’m launching a one person business I can run from home, and work just 3-4 hours a day.
I’m going to be selling courses, and also teaching people like you, the high-value skills such as web design and graphic design, to either start your own business and escape the 9-5, or do some of your own work yourself, instead of paying an outside designer.
Anyone, including you or I, can build a business where we work only 4hrs a day, for much more money than we earn today.
We can get time freedom, take vacations whenever we want, work a less stressful, self created business, doing exactly what we want to do.
All it takes is learning a valuable skill, and teaching others. You don’t need to be an expert with 25 years experience like me. You can teach people 1-2 steps behind you, how to do the exact same thing you’ve just learned.
Welcome to This website is my one person business.
I want to make money, get out of my regular job, and have all the things written above.
I also have a second motive, that’s even more important to me, which I think you’ll love…
2. Make Business Friends
…if there’s one thing worth learning in life, it’s that you’ll ALWAYS make friends, before you make money.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
The more people you know, the easier life gets.
Business gets VERY lonely. I know how lonely this journey can be, we all need as many friends as we can get.
Not fake friends for networking purposes and business growth. The kind of friends that are harder to find. The rare friends that make your world a better place.
I want to get to know you, encourage you, build you up, make you better at what you do, share ideas, and grow together.
If you’re interested in one person business, entrepreneurship, or any of the skills I’ve talked about here…
…then let’s get to know each other, and help each other grow to new heights.
I’m not just here to get you started on this journey, I’m here for life if you need it.
Why? Because, I need it, too.
I want you to win, and to help each other win.
I’m building this business in public, and building a network of friends.
I’ll be teaching you all my every mistake, success, and failure. So, any of you joining me can do better than I did.
I’ll soon have an online business community website, so we can join together, communicate, and help each other grow in that space.
There will also be engagement groups for some social media platforms, so we can help each other grow our audiences a lot faster.